Where We're Located
To see a summary of Chapters by state, please refer to the list below. Alumni Chapters/Associations are also noted below. Unable to find your college or university? Check out our membership page.

Auburn University (Gamma Omicron Chapter)
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (Delta Beta Chapter)
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Arizona State University, Tempe (Epsilon Omega Chapter)
Arizona State University Online (Eta Upsilon Chapter)
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University of California, Davis (Zeta Upsilon Chapter)
University of California, Riverside (Zeta Eta Chapter)
University of California, San Diego (Zeta Alpha Chapter)
University of California, Santa Barbara (Zeta Epsilon Chapter)
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University of Colorado Boulder (Delta Sigma Chapter)
University of Northern Colorado (Delta Rho Chapter)
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University of Connecticut (Beta Pi Chapter)
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University of Delaware (Alpha Eta Chapter)
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Florida State University (Gamma Eta Chapter)
University of Florida (Gamma Epsilon Chapter)
University of South Florida, Tampa (Epsilon Delta Chapter)
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Georgia Tech (Epsilon Theta Chapter)
Georgia Southern University (Gamma Gamma Chapter)
University of Georgia (Beta Zeta Chapter)
University of North Georgia (Epsilon Chi Chapter)
University of West Georgia (Gamma Delta Chapter)
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University of Iowa (Epsilon Sigma Chapter)
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Eastern Illinois University (Beta Omega Chapter)
Illinois State University (Delta Eta Chapter)
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Morehead State University (Gamma Beta Chapter)
University of Kentucky (Gamma Upsilon Chapter)
Western Kentucky University (Beta Phi Chapter)
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Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (Gamma Theta Chapter)
Tulane University (Gamma Tau Chapter)
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Frostburg University (Eta Epsilon Chapter)
Towson University (Gamma Pi Chapter)
University of Maryland (Alpha Beta Chapter)
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Central Michigan University (Gamma Mu Chapter)
Grand Valley State University (Epsilon Psi Chapter)
Michigan State University (Beta Sigma Chapter)
University of Michigan (Beta Alpha Chapter)
Western Michigan University (Gamma Rho Chapter)
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Mississippi State University (Delta Tau Chapter)
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Missouri State University (Gamma Sigma Chapter)
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University of Nebraska, Lincoln (Gamma Omega Chapter)
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University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Zeta Psi Chapter)
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New Jersey
Rowan University (Eta Mu Chapter)
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (Alpha Theta Chapter)
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New Mexico
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (Epsilon Upsilon Chapter)
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New York
Cornell University (Beta Nu Chapter)
Rochester Institute of Technology (Delta Alpha Chapter)
Syracuse University (Beta Epsilon Chapter)
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North Carolina
Appalachian State University (Eta Omicron Chapter)
East Carolina University (Tau Chapter)
North Carolina State University (Beta Delta Chapter)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Alpha Kappa Chapter)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Eta Xi Chapter)
Western Carolina University (Gamma Zeta Chapter)
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Bowling Green State University (Epsilon Beta Chapter)
Kent State University (Beta Beta Chapter)
Ohio University (Epsilon Iota Chapter)
The Ohio State University (Beta Iota Chapter)
University of Cincinnati (Epsilon Phi Chapter)
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Commonwealth University- Bloomsburg (Iota Chapter)
Drexel University (Gamma Xi Chapter)
East Stroudsburg University (Epsilon Omicron Chapter)
Franklin & Marshall College (Zeta Beta Chapter)
Kutztown University of PA (Epsilon Alpha Chapter)
Lehigh University (Delta Chi Chapter)
Millersville University of PA (Sigma Chapter)
Pennsylvania State University (Alpha Pi Chapter)
Saint Joseph's University Hawk Hill (Zeta Iota Chapter)
Saint Joseph's University University City (Eta Lambda Chapter)
Shippensburg University of PA (Omicron Chapter)
Slippery Rock University (Mu Chapter)
University of Pittsburgh (Alpha Omega Chapter)
Villanova University (Epsilon Tau Chapter)
Widener University (Alpha Delta Chapter)
West Chester University of PA (Alpha Epsilon Chapter)
York College of PA (Alpha Zeta Chapter)
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South Carolina
Clemson University (Beta Kappa Chapter)
Coastal Carolina University (Zeta Xi Chapter)
University of South Carolina (Alpha Upsilon Chapter)
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East Tennessee State University (Epsilon Xi Chapter)
Middle Tennessee State University (Beta Psi Chapter)
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Eta Theta Chapter)
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Sam Houston State University (Delta Upsilon Chapter)
Texas State University (Delta Phi Chapter)
Trinity University (Zeta Tau Chapter)
University of North Texas (Delta Kappa Chapter)
University of Texas at San Antonio (Epsilon Mu Chapter)
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University of Utah (Eta Nu Chapter)
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Christopher Newport University (Eta Pi Chapter)
College of William and Mary (Gamma Psi Chapter)
James Madison University (Beta Rho Chapter)
Longwood University (Eta Iota Chapter)
Radford University (Alpha Xi Chapter)
University of Virginia (Alpha Omicron Chapter)
Virginia Tech (Alpha Rho Chapter)
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Washington, D.C.
American University (Beta Lambda Chapter)
George Washington University (Beta Mu Chapter)
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West Virginia
West Virginia University (Alpha Mu Chapter)
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Alumni Chapters
Baltimore Metro Area Alumni Chapter (BMAAC)
Capital Alumni Chapter
Delaware Valley Alumni Chapter (DVAC)
Metrolina Alumni Chapter
Middle Tennessee Alumni Chapter (MTAC)
New York Metro Area Alumni Chapter (NYMAAC)
Southern Appalachian Alumni Chapter (SAAC)
Alumni Associations
Detroit Area Alumni Association (DAAA)
Pittsburgh Area Alumni Association (PAAA)
Unable to find your college or university? Check out our membership page.