The National Office is a combination of National Council Members and the National Staff.
National Council

The National Council is the primary administrative arm of the Fraternity. It has the legislative power to conduct the affairs of the Fraternity between Grand Chapter Business sessions. The seven volunteer National Officers are elected to the National Council every two years by the Grand Chapter.
National President - Brian Christiansen (University of Delaware/Alpha Eta Chapter '09)
- Presides at all meetings of the Grand Chapter and National Council.
- Appoints all Committee Members.
- Ensures that all policies are carried out.
Senior Vice President - Elizabeth Costantino (Rutgers University/Alpha Theta Chapter '08)
- Presides at all meetings of the Grand Chapter and National Council in the absence or inability of the National President.
- Chairperson of the Constitution and Standards Committee.
National Secretary - Kate McConnell (University of Oklahoma/Gamma Phi Chapter '03)
- Ensures the preservation of the National Constitution, Charters, rituals and all documents, records and supplies of Phi Sigma Pi.
- Takes minutes at Grand Chapter and National Council meetings.
- Chairperson of the Awards, Scholarships & Emblem Committee.
Vice President of Finance - Becky Chamberlain (James Madison University/Beta Rho Chapter '95)
- Signs warrants on the Treasury and contracts entered into by Phi Sigma Pi.
- Authorizes warrants of the Grand Chapter.
- Prepares an annual budget.
- Records receipts and expenditures.
- Serves on the Personnel Committee.
Vice President of Development - Stephen Cristiano (Kutztown University/Epsilon Alpha Chapter '12)
- Actively work with the rest of the National Council to provide strategic direction.
- Implementing comprehensive development strategies to improve Phi Sigma Pi.
Vice President of Development - Wyatt Davies (Coastal Carolina University/Zeta Xi Chapter '15)
- Actively work with the rest of the National Council to provide strategic direction.
- Implementing comprehensive development strategies to improve Phi Sigma Pi.
Vice President of Development - Alesia Richardson (University of Maryland/Alpha Beta Chapter '17)
- Actively work with the rest of the National Council to provide strategic direction.
- Implementing comprehensive development strategies to improve Phi Sigma Pi.
Email if you would like to contact the entire National Council.
National Staff

The National Staff is made up of the individuals who run the operations of the Fraternity. Contact us if you have questions about forms, dues or any aspect of your Chapter's operations.
Executive Director - Suzanne Schaffer (Gamma Chi Chapter '98)
- Provides leadership in developing program, organizational and financial plans with the National Council and National Staff and carries out plans and policies authorized by the Board.
- Establishes and preserves a climate that attracts, keeps, and motivates a diverse staff of top-quality people, and serves on the Board of Directors’ Personnel Committee.
- Responsible for a working knowledge of significant developments and trends in higher education.
- Maintains official records and ensures compliance with federal, state and local regulations.
Associate Executive Director - Adrienne Freeland (Alpha Zeta Chapter '04)
- Manages the communication department and leadership advancement teams.
- Ensures risk management compliance.
- Serves as the Executive Director of the Phi Sigma Pi Foundation.
Director of Member Engagement - Sarah Smith (Epsilon Alpha Chapter '10)
- Cultivates lifelong Member engagement opportunities.
- Develop and implement strategies for the recruitment and retention of members.
- Coordinates the planning and execution of national events.
- Manages the Chapter Services team.
Director of Leadership Advancement - Kasi Dotterer (Chi Chapter '20)
- Create, manage, and effectively implement all aspects of the Fraternity's Leadership Program.
- Oversees the individual membership program.
- Executes expansion plan for new Chapters.
- Manages the Administrative Assistant.
Business Manager - Donna Lease (Chi Chapter '20)
- Answers general inquiries.
- Receives all Chapter reports, dues, and distributes fines.
- Maintains database.
Social Media and Marketing Coordinator - Katie Warren
- Leads and executes social media strategy and content cultivation.
- Research Chapter and Member recognition opportunities.
- Ensure overall consistent branding and visual integrity for the Fraternity and Foundation.
Senior Leadership Development Coordinator - Lindsay Slater
- Responsible for the day-to-day management and coordination of the Fraternity's recruitment marketing program, preparing regular metrics reports to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and opportunities for development.
- Facilitate Chapter discussions to ensure each Chapter’s long-term sustainability, such as service events, financial management, risk management, etc.
- Coordinate communication and outreach efforts to Chapter Faculty Advisors by sharing information about opportunities, resources, and updates relevant to their roles within the organization.
Leadership Development Coordinator - Natasha Carmichael
- Implement strategic Fraternity growth plans through national initiatives to assist Chapter recruitment.
- Facilitate Chapter discussions to ensure each Chapter’s long-term sustainability, such as service events, financial management, risk management, etc.
- Act as the liaison between the Fraternity and our philanthropic, service, and professional partners, facilitating connections and creating opportunities for member engagement.
- Serve as the primary point of contact for Alumni Volunteers, responsible for coordinating monthly communication and providing ongoing management and support.
Leadership Development Coordinator - Victoria Mahle
- Implement strategic Fraternity growth plans through national initiatives to assist Chapter recruitment.
- Facilitate Chapter discussions to ensure each Chapter’s long-term sustainability, such as service events, financial management, risk management, etc.
- Write and distribute monthly communications to members to ensure the prompt delivery of important news, updates, and opportunities.